Tag Archive: “applescript”

Yojimbo Tag List

Yojimbo Tag List Screenshot

Here is a little AppleScript that lists the tags you’ve used in Yojimbo. If you select some tags, it will copy them to the clipboard concatenated with commas.

-- get list of known tags
set _tags to {}
tell application "Yojimbo"
 repeat with _tag in tags
  set end of _tags to name of _tag
 end repeat
end tell

-- show list to user
set _choice to choose from list _tags with title "Yojimbo Tags" with prompt "Select tags:" with multiple selections allowed without empty selection allowed
if _choice is equal to false then return

-- concatenate and copy chosen tags
set _dtid to text item delimiters
set text item delimiters to {","}
set the clipboard to ("" & _choice)
set text item delimiters to _dtid

You can copy and paste the above code into a new Script Editor document, or you can download the script directly:

Unzip the file and put it in ~/Library/Scripts to access it from your system’s script menu. If there is sufficient interest I may try to integrate it with my other Yojimbo script.

Posted on Sunday, February 4th, 2007. Tags: , , .

Bookmark in Yojimbo 1.1

I’ve made a minor update to Bookmark in Yojimbo, my AppleScript for sending bookmarks from Safari directly to Yojimbo. This update provides compatibility with Yojimbo 1.4, but you will need to get the Yojimbo 1.4.1 update (when available) in order for the “Bookmark & Edit” function to work properly. Other recent versions of Yojimbo may still be compatible.

Posted on Wednesday, January 31st, 2007. Tags: , , , .