String Functions

< Show List

x$ + y$

String concatenation.

String concatenation (and the MID$, LEN and INSTR functions) can handle strings of up to 32766 characters in length (if the memory available to the program permits).


Returns the ASCII character corresponding to the value of VAL.

str$( VAL { , EXPR } )

Returns a string representation corresponding to VAL. If EXPR is present then the string is padded to that length.

format$( VAL , STREXPR )

Returns the string representation of VAL formatted according to the format string STREXPR. The format string STREXPR uses the same formatting syntax as the PRINT USING statement.


Return one character from the keyboard if input is available. Returns a zero length string { "" } if no keyboard input is available. Non-blocking. Can be used for keyboard polling.

input$( EXPR { , FILENUM } )

Returns EXPR characters from file FILENUM. If f is not present then get input from the console keyboard.

mid$( a$, i { , j } )

Returns a substring of a$ starting at the i'th positions and j characters in length. If the second parameter is not specified then the substring is taken from the start position to the end of a$.

right$(a$, EXPR )

Returns the right EXPR characters of a$.

left$(a$, EXPR )

Returns the left EXPR characters of a$.


Returns the N-th field of the first string. If the optional string is present then use the first character of that string as the field separator. The default separator is a space. Similar to UNIX 'awk' fields.

E.g., field$("1 22 333 4", 3) returns "333"

If VAL is -1 then returns a string with a length equal to the number of seperators in the first string.

hex$( VAL { , EXPR } )

bin$( VAL { , EXPR } )

Returns the hexadecimal or binary string representation corresponding to VAL. If EXPR is present then the string is padded with zeros to make it that length.

lcase$( STRINGVAL )

Returns STRINGVAL in all lower case characters.

ucase$( STRINGVAL )

Returns STRINGVAL in all upper case characters.


Returns the error message for the last error. Prior to any errors, contains Chipmunk Basic version and copyright notice.