
< Show List

{ let } VAR = EXPR

Assign a value to a variable. Variable names can be up to 31 significant characters, consisting of letters, digits, underscores, and an ending dollar sign. Variable names are case insensitive. Variables can hold real numbers (IEEE double) or strings of up to 254 characters. If the variable name ends with a "$" it holds strings, otherwise it holds numbers. If a statement starts with a variable name then an implied LET is assumed.

print VAL | STRINGVAL { [ , | ; ] VAL ... } { ; }

? VAL | STRINGVAL { [ , | ; ] VAL ... } { ; }

print # FNUM, VAL ...

This command will print its parameters tab delimited. If a semi-colon is used between parameters then no tab is inserted between the parameters. The print output is terminated with a carriage return unless the parameter list ends with a semi-colon. If a file descriptor is given then output is redirected to the given file. If a tab(VAL); is found in a print statement, then print output will skip to the horizontal position specified by VAL.

print { # FNUM, } using STRINGVAL ; VAR { [ , | ; ] VAR ... }

Prints formatted numbers. Legal characters for the format string STRINGVAL are: + * $ # . E+ and trailing spaces.

print using "**$###.##"; 1.23  :' ****$1.23
print using "###.##"; 2.12345  :' 2.12
print using "#.##E+##"; 2345.6 :' 2.35E+03

input STRINGVAR | VAR { , VAR }

input prompt ; { STRINGVAR | VAR { , VAR } }

input { # FNUM , } { STRINGVAR | VAR { , VAR } }

Input from the console or from the file specified by FNUM. If the input is from the console then a prompt string can optionally be printed.


All input to string variables is "line input"; a whole input line will be read into one string variable. The number of comma seperated numeric values in the input data must be less than or equal to the number of numeric variables in the INPUT statement. This INPUT usage is different from other versions Basic.


Gets one character from the console keyboard. Blocking.

fputbyte VAL, # FNUM

Writes one byte to the file specified by FNUM.


Reads one record from a random access file into VAR.


Write one record to a random access file from VAR.


Clear the terminals screen. Leaves the cursor in the upper left corner. For Applesoft BASIC fans, the "home" command will also do this.


Terminates program execution and returns to the command prompt. Not required.


Stops the execution of the program and returns to the command prompt. Prints a "Break..." message.




The IF statement. If the condition is true then the STATEMENTS after the THEN are executed and the statements after the ELSE are skipped. If the condition is false then the statements after the "else" are executed instead. If the item after "then" is a line number then a goto is executed.

If there is no THEN keyword on the same line and the condition is true, then statements are executed until a line starting with an ENDIF is found. It false, then statements are skipped until a line starting with an ENDIF keyword is found (block IF() ... ENDIF statements). ELSE and ELSEIF () keywords may be used on lines in between the IF and the ENDIF statements.

for VAR = EXPR to EXPR { step EXPR }

Beginning of a FOR-NEXT loop. It takes a starting value, a limit and an optional step argument. If the step value is negative, the variable counts down. The body of the loop is not executed if the end condition is true initially.

for i=1 to 10 : print i, : next i
rem prints the numbers from 1 through 10

next { VAR }

End of a FOR-NEXT loop. If the termination condi- tions are met then execution falls through to the following statement, otherwise execution returns to the statement following the FOR statement with the corresponding index variable. If there no index variable parameter, the innermost FOR loop is used.

exit for

Exits the current FOR-NEXT loop.

while { EXPR }

Start of a WHILE loop. The loop is repeated until EXPR is false. If EXPR is false at loop entry, then the loop is not executed . A WHILE loop must be terminated by a balancing WEND statement.

wend { EXPR }

Terminating statement of a WHILE loop. If EXPR is true then exit the loop. Only one WEND is allowed for each WHILE. A WHILE-WEND loop without a condition will loop forever.

exit while

Exits the current WHILE-WEND loop.


Transfer command to a line number. Save return address so that the program can resume execution at the statement after the "gosub" command. The recursion depth is limited only by available memory.


Returns from the most recently activated subroutine call (which must have been called by GOSUB).


This statement will transfer control to the line number specified. If the program is not running, then this command will begin execution at the spec- ified line without clearing the variables. An "Undefined line" error will occur if LINENUM doesn't exist in the program.

on EXPR goto LINENUM { , LINENUM ... }

on EXPR gosub LINENUM { , LINENUM ... }

This command will execute either a goto or a gosub to the specified line number indexed by the value of EXPR. If EXPR is larger than the number of LINENUMs, then control passes to the next statement.

on error goto LINENUM

If the error form is used, only one linenumber is allowed. LINENUM is the line to which control is transferred if an error occurs. A GOTO or CONT statement can be used to resume execution. An error inside a named SUB subroutine cannot be resumed from or CONTinued.

sub NAME ( VAR { , VAR ... } }

Subroutine entry. May be called by a CALL statement or by NAME. A SUB subroutine must be exited by a RETURN or END SUB statement. There should be only one RETURN or END SUB statement per SUB definition. The variables in the VAR list become local variables. String and numeric arguments are passed by value; array arguments must be pre-dimensioned and are passed by reference.

110 x = foo (7, j)   : rem Pass 7 and j by value.
2000 sub foo (x,y,z) : rem z is a local variable
2010 print x         : rem prints 7
2080 foo = y+1       : rem return value
2090 end sub

Subroutine definitions may not be nested.

To return a value from a named subroutine terminated with end sub, set the name of the subroutine equal to the desired return value. Also, if the value to be returned is a string value, the subroutine name must end with a '$' character, as with all string variables.

select case EXPR

Multi-way branch. Executes the statements after the CASE statement which matches the SELECT CASE expression, then skips to the END SELECT statement. If there is no match, and a CASE ELSE statement is present, then execution defaults to the statements following the CASE ELSE.

200 select case x
210 case 2
230 case 3, 4
270 case else
290 end select

dim VAR( d { , d { , d } } ) { , VAR( d { , d { , d } } ) }

Dimension an array or list of arrays (string or numeric). A maximum of 4 dimensions can be used. The maximum dimension size is limited by available memory. Legal array subscripts are from 0 up and including the dimension specified; d+1 elements are allocated. All arrays must be dimensioned before use.

10 dim a(10)
20 for i=0 to 10
30 a(i) = i^2
40 next i
50 print a(5)
60 rem should print 25

data ITEM { , ITEM }

DATA statements contain the data used in the READ statements. Items must be separated by commas. The items may be either numeric or string expressions, corresponding to the type of variable being read. Reading the wrong kind of object produces a "Type mismatch" error. Strings must be encapsulated with quote marks.

read VAR { , VAR }

Read data from the DATA statements contained in the program. List items can be either string or numeric variables. Reading past the end the last DATA statement generates an error.

restore { LINENUM }

The RESTORE statement causes the next READ to use the first DATA statement in the program. If a LINENUM is given then the DATA statement on or after that particular line is used next.

rem or `

A remark or comment statement. Ignored by the program during execution, however a REM statement can be the target of a GOTO or GOSUB.

open STRINGEXPR for { input|output|append } as # FNUM

Open a file. The { input|output|append } parameter specifies whether the file is to be read, written or appended. If STRINGEXPR is "stdin" for input or "stdout" for output then the console will be used instead of a file. A "file not found" error will occur if a non-existant file is specified in an OPEN for input statement. FNUM must be an integer value between 0 and 8.

open STRINGEXPR for random as # FNUM len = VAL

Opens a random access file. Only GET and PUT statements are allowed to read and write random access files.

open ... else goto LINENUM

See OPEN command. LINENUM is the line to which control is transferred if an error in opening a file occurs. The variable ERL is set to the line number on which the file open error occured.

close # FNUM

Close a file. Releases the file descriptor and flushes out all stored data.

def fnNAME ( VAR { , VAR } ) = EXPR

Define a user definable function. Obsolete.

10 def fnplus(x,y) = x+y
20 print fnplus(3,5)
30 rem - should print 8


Fills a 1 or 2 dimensional array with a constant value given by EXPR.


Copys a 2 dimensional array. The dimensions must match.

mat ARRAY-VAR = invert ARRAY-VAR


Inverts a 2 dimensional square array. LINENUM is the line to which control is transferred if the matrix is singular.

mat ARRAY-VAR = transpose ARRAY-VAR

Transposes a 2 dimensional array. The dimensions of the first array must correspond to the transpose of the dimensions of the second array.

mat ARRAY-VAR = ARRAY-VAR { + | * } { EXPR | ARRAY-VAR }

Adds or multiplies a 2 dimensional array by either an expression or another array. The dimensions must be appropriate for matrix addition or matrix multiplication.

mat origin { 0 | 1 }

Sets the matrix index origin to either 0 or 1 for all MAT statements, including fill. Defaults to 0.


Creates a structure definition type. Each field requires a separate line. Legal types are string, integer, longint and double. The definition must conclude with an END TYPE statement. Use the DIM AS NEW statement to create records containing the structure specified by a TYPE statement.

300 type person
310 name as string * 32
311 rem 31 chars in length
320 age as integer
312 rem 2 byte integers
330 weight as double
331 rem 8 byte doubles
340 end type
400 dim friend1 as new person
410 = "Mark"
420 friend1.age = 13
430 print, friend1.age


Creates a class definition. Class definitions can then be used to create objects with member functions (also called methods). Classes inherit members from superclasses (single inheritance).

 y AS integer
 z AS PRIVATE double   ' private data
 s AS PUBLIC string    ' public keyword optional
SUB blah(v)            ' public member function
 this.y = v + 7
DIM b AS NEW bar       ' create object b
CALL b.blah(1)         ' send message "blah(1)" to b

CLASS and TYPE definitions are global, and cannot be nested inside other class definitions or subroutines.

dim VAR { ( INT ) } as new CLASSNAME

Create a record (TYPED-VAR) or object using a previously defined structure definition type created by TYPE...END TYPE or CLASS...END CLASS. Optionally creates an array of records or objects.

erase VAR

Un-dimensions a dimensioned array. Frees memory.

option degrees

Changes the trigonometric functions to take parameters and return results in degrees instead of radians.


Replace the sub-string in STRINGVAR, starting at character position EXPR1, with character length EXPR2, with the (EXPR2 in length) string STRINGEXPR. See MID$.


Replace the N-th field of STRINGVAR with STRINGEXPR. See FIELD$.


Poke a byte into a memory location. Unreasonable addresses can cause bus or segmentation errors.

push VAR { , VAR ... }

Pushes one or more expressions or variables onto an internal stack. Expressions can be returned using the POP function; variables can be returned by using the POP statement.

pop VAL

POP statement (see also POP function). Pops VAL variables off the internal stack, restoring the value of those variables to their pushed values.


Executes STRINGEXPR as a statement or command. E.g., exec("print " + "x") will print the value of x.