Tag Archive: “weekendartifacts”

Weekend Artifact 6: Play-Doh Bust

I need to do more of this. Very fun.

Weekend Artifact 6

(Scale: about two inches tall.)

Posted on Saturday, March 10th, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 5

Weekend Artifact 5

Update: I have chopped and channeled this portrait to ameliorate a case of artist-induced horseface. See if you can find the seam!

Posted on Sunday, March 4th, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 4

Weekend Artifact 4

Painting with pencil on a graphite canvas.

I like to draw faces in profile. It’s easier, yes, but I think there’s another reason as well. My doodles are often based on photographs trawled from the web, and it seems the camera is more likely to capture a candid expression when the subject isn’t looking directly at the lens. Almost everyone affects an expression when they know they’re posing for a picture, be it serious or hammy or coy. Those faces are a lot of fun, but I am more interested in unfiltered appearances. Even a face in repose can convey some feeling or story – perhaps that’s what the artist reveals.

That’s getting a little too artsy fartsy for my taste, though. Just look at the pretty pictures!

Posted on Sunday, February 26th, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 3: Spider Plant

Weekend Artifact 3

Posted on Sunday, February 19th, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 2

Weekend Artifact 2

Posted on Sunday, February 12th, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 1 for February 5, 2012

Let’s start a little series. I’ll feature some creative artifact here each weekend. It won’t necessarily be a drawing, but that’s most likely. Here’s a sketch to get started:

Your comments and constructive criticisms are welcome.

Posted on Sunday, February 5th, 2012. Tags: , .