
My Twitter bot @WheresThatSat is up and running. More information about what it does is available at WheresThatSat.com. In short, it replies to comments about satellites with maps and information about the satellite’s recent course.

Posted on Wednesday, April 25th, 2012. Tags: , , .

WheresThatSat Preview

As I’ve mentioned a few times, I’m making a bot called WheresThatSat which is basically a Twitter interface to Ground Track Generator, my satellite-path-mapping program. The bot responds to queries about satellites (it knows of many – you might even say it has detailed files) by reporting their location at the time they were mentioned.

This week I’ve been making a complementary web site that displays more information (altitude, speed, heading, etc.) along with a Google Map rendition of the satellite’s recent path. The bot will include a map link with each response. The site isn’t finished yet (some icons and styles are still placeholders), but here’s sneak peak:

My goal is to get things working smoothly enough to let WheresThatSat resume running later this week, at least on a trial basis. Although the bot could search for and reply to any mention of the many satellites it knows about, I’ve decided it will only post unsolicited responses to a sample of tweets about one or two “in the news” satellites (queries explicitly addressed to @WheresThatSat will, of course, have access to a full catalog of satellites). This is partly a matter of manners and partly a matter of avoiding excessive API calls (Twitter imposes rate limits on how frequently programs can interact with it).

Posted on Sunday, April 22nd, 2012. Tags: , .

Time Lapse Portrait

Here’s another time lapse portrait drawing:

I like this video orientation better, but I realize it’d probably be better if the camera wasn’t quite so close to the page. Frames are five seconds apart, so the whole thing took four or five minutes.

Click here to see the final sketch.

Posted on Sunday, April 22nd, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 12 and Other Sketches

Haven’t done this in a while – here’s a left handed drawing:


Here’s Herschel Walker, from this Air Force photo:


Click here for more drawings from earlier this week.

Posted on Saturday, April 21st, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 11: Windup Artomaton

I don’t do abstract art. I have robots do it for me.

Inspired by the milk frother drawbot recently featured at The Kid Should See This.

Weekend Artifact 11

Posted on Sunday, April 15th, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 10

Weekend Artifact 10

Posted on Sunday, April 8th, 2012. Tags: , .

Exploring Orbits

A ground track comparison of Sun-synchronous satellites in low Earth orbit and geosynchronous satellites in high Earth orbit.

Posted on Tuesday, April 3rd, 2012. Tags: , .

Weekend Artifact 9 – Time Lapse Sketch

Read on for a close-up of the drawing and a photo of the camera stand…

Posted on Sunday, April 1st, 2012. Tags: , , .

Making Ground Track Generator

I wrote a little program to make shapefiles (GIS map layers) of satellite ground tracks. Here’s the story of its development, recounted from my comments on Twitter (the internet’s water cooler).

Posted on Saturday, March 31st, 2012. Tags: , , , .

Save Selection and Compare Selected Files scripts for BBEdit

Here are a pair of handy scripts for BBEdit (or TextWrangler). Paste them in to Applescript Editor, save them in your BBEdit Scripts folder, and assign shortcut keys in BBEdit > Preferences > Menus & Shortcuts.

Save Selection as New File

Select some text and invoke this script to create and save a new file containing the selection. (Add close doc to the end of the block if you don’t need to edit the file.)

tell application "BBEdit"
	set txt to contents of selection
	set doc to make new document with properties {contents:txt}
	save doc
end tell

This is pretty similar to choosing File > New > Text Document (with selection) and then choosing Save, but it combines the two into one step, which is helpful if you need to do this repeatedly.

Compare Selected Project Files

Use this script to compare two files selected in the files list of a disk browser or project window.

tell application "BBEdit"
	set selectedProjectItems to selected items of project window 1
	if (count of selectedProjectItems) is not 2 then return
	set comparisonResults to compare first item of selectedProjectItems against second item of selectedProjectItems
	if not differences found of comparisonResults then
		display alert "No differences found:" message reason for no differences of comparisonResults
	end if
end tell

You can accomplish the same thing with Search > Find Differences, but if you’ve already selected some files this is quicker.

Posted on Thursday, March 29th, 2012. Tags: , .