Word Haul
It’s a New Word Alert roundup!
- Theodicy, the defense of God in spite of the existence of evil, from a reference to C. S. Lewis in Louis Evan’s thread on war.
- Tumulus, a burial mound, from The Curse of the Horsetail Banner by Dariel R. A. Quiogue in New Edge Sword & Sorcery #0.
- Doyen, a senior member of a group, from Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki’s essay on dystopia in Uncanny Magazine #48.
- Crepitate, to make a crackling noise, and plangent, wistfully or perhaps even sorrowfully nostalgic, both from True Songs of the Pennyrile by Mark Rigney in LCRW #46.
- Omphaloskepsis: navel-gazing. I wrote this one down but I don’t remember where I encountered it.
Posted on Saturday, March 4th, 2023. Tags: words.